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About Me

Nicki Heenan Art Educator/Artist


Nature provides me with the inspiration for my paintings.  I paint predominantly landscapes with a particular focus on pre history. Stonehenge and Avebury are megalithic sites that I visit regularly and I am interested in the relationship of the stones to each other in context within the landscape.  The effects of the weather, atmospheric conditions and light change the aspect of the stones,  they are never the same twice. This enigmatic feeling combined with the awe of the sheer magnitude of human endeavour needed to create these structures has led me to undertake study in archeology and ancient cultures so informing my work to a deeper level. 

I  paint predominantly in oil, preferring its tactile flexible quality with the ability to combine it with wax to build up the textural surface. Printmaking also informs my work, these studies often lead to bigger pieces as they are more abstracted. 

Often I teach workshops and classes in oil painting and have conducted workshops overseas. I am always open to new ways of looking at painting and frequently travel to source the expertise that will enhance my work and learn new methods. To me, this keeps my paintings vibrant and visually unique.

Nicki Heenan

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